Monday, February 22, 2010

Shaking 50 !

How big is too big? Well, I’m actually a little late here.
I started a health and fitness routine coming up on three weeks ago. My story is pretty much like a see saw. I come from a background where I was unhealthy growing up. Eating everything in sight because it was cheap and available. Chips, candies, sodas (Especially soda). There was a time where I had to have at least one Pop a day! It all culminated with me finally realizing that at 332 lbs, it just wasnt worth it.

I decided to try my hand at working out and miraculously through the blessings of God I was able to drop 120lbs of body weight. I’ve managed to keep it off for the past 5 years, but since the end of 2008, I’ve struggled mightily to remain focused. I got married and somewhere along the line I got lazy. I mean, my wife is a total KNOCKOUT so I really didnt have the desire to keep smashing those weights at the gym.

Meanwhile, I’ve gone from a solid 230 lbs to 290! eeK!
So, this is my quest to reshape my body. With the recent loss of my brother due to a heart disease that he wasn’t aware of, I feel like I owe it to him and my family to set the example of not only being in shape, but taking care of our bodies and watching what we eat.
This is my quest to reclaim my health and inspire those around me that they can do the same!

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